Saturday, 7 November 2009

Mashable Open Web Awards 2009

I would love for you to vote for me in the Mashable Social Media Ad Campaign category for Sarah's Story This film just won a British Television Advertising Award for Best Crafted Commercial. It has been passed for cinema viewing by the Advertising Standards Agency, yet banned from TV by watchdog Clearcast. Strange but true! Is my pain really too shocking for TV? Sunday Telegraph

Please help me to reverse this ridiculous decision by voting for to win the Mashable award. Just click on the blue Mashable box above and vote away! You can, and hopefully will, vote every day until 13 December. I made the voting round in one week, which shows how many people are affected by this horrific disease. Please share on Facebook and retweet on Twitter. I know that Social Media is an incredibly powerful platform and I can win this with your help.

I believe that if Sarah's Story is shown on British TV, we will raise more awareness of motor neurone disease, which will lead to a cure. We can save lives...

Thanks to everyone who nominated me. Let's put MND/ALS on the Social Media map!


  1. Just did today, leaving the site up so that I can vote daily!
    Mary Jo Winkler-Callighen (Gran on PLM)

  2. diane (calendar girl! LoL!!)9 November 2009 at 03:39

    go sarah!! you get my vote every time!

  3. I will vote for you Sarah! Take care :)

  4. I have just voted, keep up the good work and well done Sarah x

  5. I will definitely vote for you. The story needs to be told. My cousin passed away 2-3 years ago with ALS and it was really hard to watch her every day lose a little of herself. She tried so hard to stay happy and not dwell on what was to come. When she had passed away, she had no control over her body for the last year of her life. There are so many people that have never even heard of the disease and if they do, they have no clue what it does to the body. There needs to be more information out there and more studies to come up with a cure, I wish you the best and you will always be in my prayers. I know you have God's vote too!

  6. Sarah, have you heard of this?

  7. Sarah, have you heard of this?
