Tuesday, 14 September 2010


I had my foot x-rayed this morning because it's been hurting me for a week. I thought it would go away but it feels worse today and is swollen. The x-ray didn't show anything, so I just have to wait. Coupled with neck pain, I feel quite fragile. I keep wondering how people live with pain? I think I'm about to become a single woman with a cat. The search is on for a kitten. I want a Devon Rex (see photo) but they are hard to find. I'll probably end up with a tabby! I'm looking forward to having an animal around again. Something new to observe is pretty exciting for me. I accepted an invitation to The Third Sector Excellence Awards. I'm going in my capacity of actress in Sarah's Story, because it's shortlisted for an award. Note to myself: buy a dress before a cat.


  1. Firstly Sarah, I had no idea that YOU were 'Sarah's Story'...... and I have to confess that until tonight I have not been able to watch that short film in it's entirety. Shocking, sad, brutal - I expect you've heard all the words and more, but of course thats what MND is isn't it!

    Someone I knew had MND and suffered not overly long - mercifully - but I don't think I will ever forget seeing this larger than life man reduced to a shadow and the effect it had on his family. Yet despite knowing all that, and seeing that film - I can't quite connect the Sarah I've grown to know and admire from all the FB stuff to that film and the truth of the disease. You are so beautiful in face & body, and strong in spirit, I wish you love and happiness.

    As for the dress and the cat, give them equal importance!!

    I am both humbled and honoured to know you, albeit from a distance

    Love and affection

    Liz x

  2. Здравствуйте, Сара. Просмотрели с дочкой ролик, показывающий это страшное заболевание , признаюсь, потрясены Вашей силой воли.
    Если я правильно перевела, Вы любите животных и мечтаете о кошке, как на фотографии?
    Вы писали о ней в сентябре. Надеюсь сейчас « пушистый ребёнок» наконец-таки с Вами.
    У нас их пятеро и собака))

    С уважением, Элла.
